Namespace BitMiracle.Docotic.Pdf.Layout
- Border
The border settings.
- Column
A column layout.
- Document
Class for building a document.
- Image
An image to use in LayoutContainer.
- InlineContainer
The container for inline elements.
- LayerContainer
The container for layered content.
- LayoutComponentContent
The result of the dynamic component processing.
- LayoutContainer
Class for a layout container.
- LayoutContext
The context for a ILayoutComponent processing.
- LayoutElement
An element produced by layout components.
- LayoutException
The exception that is thrown for incorrect layouts.
- Line
The line element.
- PageLayout
Class for building a page layout.
- PdfDocumentBuilder
The builder of PDF documents.
- Row
A row layout for items.
- SystemFont
The font descriptor for loading from the system font collection or using a custom font loader.
- Table
The table element.
- TableCell
The table cell configuration.
- TableCellContainer
The container for table cells.
- TableColumnContainer
The table schema defining what columns to use.
- TextContainer
A container for text content.
- TextPageNumber
A page number element.
- TextSpan
An inline text.
- TextStyle
The style of text.
- Typography
Defines text styles to use throughout the document.
- ILayoutComponent
The custom component.
- AspectRatioMode
Specifies how to resize a content while preserving an aspect ratio.
- FontEmbedMode
Specifies how to embed fonts to a generated PDF documents.
- ImageContentMode
Specifies how to draw an image in a container.
- PageNumberFormatter
Defines a method that formats a page number as string.