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Version History for Docotic.Pdf

Version 9.5

August 7th, 2024

Core library


  • From this version, the library requires a valid license key. You must call one of the AddLicenseData methods before using any of the PdfDocument constructors. The DocumentsAreEqual methods also require a valid license key.
  • Added the ability to create and read redaction annotations. Look at the new PdfPage.AddRedactionAnnotation method and PdfRedactionAnnotation class.
  • Added the new Test PDF processing in .NET and Native AOT builds code sample.
  • From now on, the library calls the IPdfSigner.Sign twice per each signature. First call is to estimate space required for PKCS7 bytes. The call provides some dummy bytes instead of the message. Second call uses the real data.
  • Reduced the size of the files signed by the library.
  • Improved the repairing of PDF documents with invalid media boxes or crop boxes.
  • Improved the parsing of PDFs with broken or incorrect structures.
  • Fixed AOT and .NET 8 compatibility issues. Read the How to develop Native AOT applications in .NET article for more detail.
  • Fixed bugs related to appending of PDF documents.
  • Fixed bugs related to drawing of controls, when AcroForms has NeedAppearances flag set to true.
  • Fixed bugs related to drawing of large PDF pages.
  • Fixed "Not enough space reserved for signature" bugs related to document signing.

HTML to PDF add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.

Layout add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.

GDI add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.

Logging add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.

Version 9.4

May 24th, 2024

Core library


  • Added the ability to read and modify named views (destinations). Look at the new PdfDocument.SharedViews property and Create and read named destinations in PDF documents code sample.

  • Added the ability to use named views in PdfGoToAction and PdfRemoteGoToAction. Look at the new PdfDocument.CreateGoToPageAction, PdfDocument.CreateRemoteGoToPageAction method and PdfGoToAction.ViewName, PdfRemoteGoToAction.ViewName properties.

  • Added the ability to configure deflate compression quality for PDF streams. That allows you to speed up PDF document saving. Look at the new PdfConfigurationOptions.DeflateQuality property.

  • Breaking change: The PdfDocumentView.Name is marked as obsolete. You can find view names in the PdfDocument.SharedViews collection. To find names of views associated with bookmarks or links, you can also use the PdfGoToAction.ViewName and PdfRemoteGoToAction.ViewName properties.

  • Improved speed of PDF to image conversion.

  • Improved speed and decreased memory consumption during processing of PDF documents.

  • Improved the parsing of PDFs with broken or incorrect structures.

  • Fixed a bug in PdfRemoteGoToAction.View getter when it returned a named view from a current document instead of remote.

  • Fixed bugs related to document signing.

  • Fixed bugs related to drawing of PDF documents.

  • Fixed bugs related to parsing of list boxes.

  • Fixed bugs related to FDF export and import of list boxes.

  • Fixed bugs related to decoding of CCITT (fax) images.

HTML to PDF add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.

Layout add-on


GDI add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.

Logging add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.

Version 9.3

Mar 11th, 2024

Core library


  • Added the ability to sign PDF documents using external signatures. The feature allows you to use smart keys, USB tokens, and HSM devices for signing. Look at the new Sign PDF document using AWS KMS, Sign PDF document using Azure Key Vault, Sign PDF document using PKCS#11 driver code samples.
  • The library no longer automatically detects and attaches to a configured logger. Instead, use the free Docotic.Logging add-on to enable logging. Look at the updated Logging with log4net and Logging with NLog code samples.
  • Improved processing of PDF pages with invalid media boxes.
  • Improved support for transparent (RGBA) TIFF images.
  • Improved verification of RSASSA-PSS and ECDSA digital signatures.
  • Fixed AOT compatibility issues when the PublishAot property is true in dependent projects.
  • Fixed trim warnings when the PublishTrimmed property is true in dependent projects.
  • Fixed bugs related to copying of PDF pages.
  • Fixed bugs related to creating of XObjects from PDF pages.
  • Fixed bugs related to image extraction.
  • Fixed bugs related to linearization.
  • Fixed bugs related to parsing of EXIF data in JPEG images.
  • Fixed bugs related to processing of documents with broken or incorrect structures.
  • Fixed bugs related to processing of inline images.
  • Fixed bugs related to saving of files that use PDF objects with non-zero generation numbers.

HTML to PDF add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.
  • Updated to use Chromium 121.0.6167.85.
  • The add-on now explicitly depends on the Newtonsoft.Json library. Previously, this dependency were merged into the add-on DLL.
  • The add-on no longer depends on the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging library. Previously, this dependency were merged into the add-on DLL.
  • Fixed bugs related to handling of disposable objects.

Layout add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.

GDI add-on


  • Updated to work with the current core library version.

Logging add-on


  • Initial version.

Previous releases