Table of Contents

Method MovePages


MovePages(int, int, int)

Changes positions of all pages in specified range within the collection of document pages.

public void MovePages(int srcIndex, int count, int destIndex)


srcIndex int

Index of the first page in the range.

count int

The number of consecutive pages in the range.

destIndex int

The index at which first page in range should be placed.


The pages being moved are always placed before page with index specified by destIndex parameter. After that the collection of document pages is compacted by shifting pages towards the beginning of the collection.

If index specified by destIndex parameter is equal to the length of the collection then pages will be moved to the end of the collection.

Check the Prepend PDF section to know how to reorder pages in a PDF document.

MovePages(int[], int)

Changes positions of all pages specified by their indexes within the collection of document pages.

public void MovePages(int[] indexes, int destIndex)


indexes int[]

The indexes of the pages to move.

destIndex int

The index at which first page should be placed.


The pages being moved are always placed before page with index specified by destIndex parameter. After that the collection of document pages is compacted by shifting pages towards the beginning of the collection.

If index specified by destIndex parameter is equal to the length of the collection then pages will be moved to the end of the collection.

The array of indexes specified by indexes must not contain duplicate entries.

Check the Prepend PDF section to know how to reorder pages in a PDF document.