Table of Contents

Constructor PdfExponentialFunction


PdfExponentialFunction(PdfDocument, double, double[])

Initializes a new instance of the PdfExponentialFunction class.

public PdfExponentialFunction(PdfDocument document, double exponent, double[] domain)


document PdfDocument

The document to which this function belongs.

exponent double

The interpolation exponent.

domain double[]

The domain of the function (the set of input values for which the function is defined).


Each input value x will return n values, given by yj = C0j + xN * (C1j − C0j), for 0 ≤ j < n. Where N is the interpolation exponent specified by exponent parameter.

C0 and C1 are assumed to have default values of [ 0.0 ] and [ 1.0 ] respectively.

Since the range of the function is not set, output values won't be clipped.

PdfExponentialFunction(PdfDocument, double, double[], double[], double[])

Initializes a new instance of the PdfExponentialFunction class.

public PdfExponentialFunction(PdfDocument document, double exponent, double[] c0, double[] c1, double[] domain)


document PdfDocument

The document to which this function belongs.

exponent double

The interpolation exponent.

c0 double[]

The array of n numbers defining the function result when x = 0.0.

c1 double[]

The array of n numbers defining the function result when x = 1.0.

domain double[]

The domain of the function (the set of input values for which the function is defined).


Each input value x will return n values, given by yj = C0j + xN * (C1j − C0j), for 0 ≤ j < n. Where N is the interpolation exponent specified by exponent parameter.

Since the range of the function is not set, output values won't be clipped.

PdfExponentialFunction(PdfDocument, double, double[], double[], double[], double[]?)

Initializes a new instance of the PdfExponentialFunction class.

public PdfExponentialFunction(PdfDocument document, double exponent, double[] c0, double[] c1, double[] domain, double[]? range)


document PdfDocument

The document to which this function belongs.

exponent double

The interpolation exponent.

c0 double[]

The array of n numbers defining the function result when x = 0.0.

c1 double[]

The array of n numbers defining the function result when x = 1.0.

domain double[]

The domain of the function (the set of input values for which the function is defined).

range double[]

The range of the function (the set of output values of the function).


Each input value x will return n values, given by yj = C0j + xN * (C1j − C0j), for 0 ≤ j < n. Where N is the interpolation exponent specified by exponent parameter.

Output values will be clipped to the range of the function specified by range parameter.