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Method AddRange


AddRange(int, PdfPageNumberingStyle)

Adds the new page labeling range with specific properties to the collection.

public void AddRange(int firstPage, PdfPageNumberingStyle style)


firstPage int

The zero-based index of the first page in range.

style PdfPageNumberingStyle

The numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of page labels.


The newly added range not necessarily put at the end of the collection.

AddRange(int, int, PdfPageNumberingStyle)

Adds the new page labeling range with specific properties to the collection.

public void AddRange(int firstPage, int lastPage, PdfPageNumberingStyle style)


firstPage int

The zero-based index of the first page in range.

lastPage int

The zero-based index of the last page in range.

style PdfPageNumberingStyle

The numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of page labels.


The index of the last page in range may be greater than actual number of pages in the document.

The newly added range not necessarily put at the end of the collection.

AddRange(int, PdfPageNumberingStyle, string)

Adds the new page labeling range with specific properties to the collection.

public void AddRange(int firstPage, PdfPageNumberingStyle style, string prefix)


firstPage int

The zero-based index of the first page in range.

style PdfPageNumberingStyle

The numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of page labels.

prefix string

The prefix for page labels in range.


The prefix may be null or empty string.

The newly added range not necessarily put at the end of the collection.

AddRange(int, int, PdfPageNumberingStyle, string)

Adds the new page labeling range with specific properties to the collection.

public void AddRange(int firstPage, int lastPage, PdfPageNumberingStyle style, string prefix)


firstPage int

The zero-based index of the first page in range.

lastPage int

The zero-based index of the last page in range.

style PdfPageNumberingStyle

The numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of page labels.

prefix string

The prefix for page labels in range.


The index of the last page in range may be greater than actual number of pages in the document.

The prefix may be null or empty string.

The newly added range not necessarily put at the end of the collection.

AddRange(int, PdfPageNumberingStyle, string, int)

Adds the new page labeling range with specific properties to the collection.

public void AddRange(int firstPage, PdfPageNumberingStyle style, string prefix, int startNumber)


firstPage int

The zero-based index of the first page in range.

style PdfPageNumberingStyle

The numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of page labels.

prefix string

The prefix for page labels in range.

startNumber int

The start number (i.e value of the numeric portion for the first page label in the range). Subsequent pages in range are numbered sequentially from this value.


The prefix may be null or empty string.

The startNumber may be 0 which means that start number should not be used.

The newly added range not necessarily put at the end of the collection.

AddRange(int, int, PdfPageNumberingStyle, string, int)

Adds the new page labeling range with specific properties to the collection.

public void AddRange(int firstPage, int lastPage, PdfPageNumberingStyle style, string prefix, int startNumber)


firstPage int

The zero-based index of the first page in range.

lastPage int

The zero-based index of the last page in range.

style PdfPageNumberingStyle

The numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of page labels.

prefix string

The prefix for page labels in range.

startNumber int

The start number (i.e value of the numeric portion for the first page label in the range). Subsequent pages in range are numbered sequentially from this value.


The index of the last page in range may be greater than actual number of pages in the document.

The prefix may be null or empty string.

The startNumber may be 0 which means that start number should not be used.

The newly added range not necessarily put at the end of the collection.