Table of Contents

Method AddOwner



Adds a new recipient with owner permissions using the specified owner certificate.

public void AddOwner(X509Certificate2 ownerCertificate)


ownerCertificate X509Certificate2

The owner certificate to use while encrypting data.


An owner certificate allows full (owner) access to the document. This unlimited access includes the ability to change the document's encryption and access permissions.

The Encrypt PDF documents in C# and VB.NET article describes how to encrypt PDF documents.

AddOwner(string, string)

Adds a new recipient with owner permissions using the specified key store file.

public void AddOwner(string ownerKeyStorePath, string password)


ownerKeyStorePath string

The path to the PFX / PKCS #12 key store file.

password string

The password to read the key store file.


The certificate in the keystore is assumed to be an owner certificate.

An owner certificate allows full (owner) access to the document. This unlimited access includes the ability to change the document's encryption and access permissions.

The Encrypt PDF documents in C# and VB.NET article describes how to encrypt PDF documents.

AddOwner(Stream, string)

Adds a new recipient with owner permissions using the specified stream with key store contents.

public void AddOwner(Stream ownerKeyStoreStream, string password)


ownerKeyStoreStream Stream

The stream with the PFX / PKCS #12 key store contents.

password string

The password to read the key store stream.


The certificate in the keystore is assumed to be an owner certificate.

An owner certificate allows full (owner) access to the document. This unlimited access includes the ability to change the document's encryption and access permissions.

The Encrypt PDF documents in C# and VB.NET article describes how to encrypt PDF documents.