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Enum PdfWidgetType


Specifies the type of a PdfWidget.

public enum PdfWidgetType


ActionArea = 1

Action area. See PdfActionArea class.

Artwork3D = 29

3D annotation. See Pdf3dAnnotation class.

Button = 2

Button. See PdfButton class.

Caret = 19

Caret annotation. See PdfCaretAnnotation class.

CheckBox = 3

Check box. See PdfCheckBox class.

ComboBox = 4

Combo box. See PdfComboBox class.

Custom = 32

Custom annotation. See PdfCustomAnnotation class.

Ellipse = 11

Ellipse annotation. See PdfEllipseAnnotation class.

FileAttachment = 22

File attachment annotation. See PdfFileAttachmentAnnotation class.

FreeTextAnnotation = 8

Free text annotation. See PdfFreeTextAnnotation class.

HighlightAnnotation = 14

Highlight annotation. See PdfHighlightAnnotation class.

Ink = 20

Ink annotation. See PdfInkAnnotation class.

JaggedUnderlineAnnotation = 16

Jagged-underline annotation. See PdfJaggedUnderlineAnnotation class.

Line = 9

Line annotation. See PdfLineAnnotation class.

ListBox = 30

List box. See PdfListBox class.

Movie = 24

Movie annotation. See PdfMovieAnnotation class.

Polygon = 12

Polygon annotation. See PdfPolygonAnnotation class.

Polyline = 13

Polyline annotation. See PdfPolylineAnnotation class.

Pop-up annotation. See PdfPopupAnnotation class.

PrinterMark = 26

Printer's mark annotation. See PdfPrinterMarkAnnotation class.

RadioButton = 5

Radio button. See PdfRadioButton class.

Rectangle = 10

Rectangle annotation. See PdfRectangleAnnotation class.

Redaction = 33

Redaction annotation. See PdfRedactionAnnotation class.

RichMedia = 31

Rich media annotation. See PdfRichMediaAnnotation class.

Screen = 25

Screen annotation. See PdfScreenAnnotation class.

Signature = 7

Signature field. See PdfSignatureField class.

Sound = 23

Sound annotation. See PdfSoundAnnotation class.

Stamp = 18

Rubber stamp annotation. See PdfStampAnnotation class.

StrikeoutAnnotation = 17

Strikeout annotation. See PdfStrikeoutAnnotation class.

TextAnnotation = 0

Text annotation. See PdfTextAnnotation class.

TextBox = 6

Text box. See PdfTextBox class.

TrapNetworkAnnotation = 27

Trap network annotation. See PdfTrapNetworkAnnotation class.

UnderlineAnnotation = 15

Underline annotation. See PdfUnderlineAnnotation class.

Watermark = 28

Watermark annotation. See PdfWatermarkAnnotation class.