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Method SignAndSave


SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions, string)

Digitally signs the document using the specified signing options. Then saves the document to the file with the specified name.

public void SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions signingOptions, string signedFileName)


signingOptions PdfSigningOptions

The options for the document signing.

signedFileName string

The name of the file to save the signed document to.


This method uses the default save options. Use SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions, string, PdfSaveOptions) overload to specify custom save options.

The Sign PDF documents in C# and VB.NET article shows how to sign PDF documents using digital signatures.

SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions, string, PdfSaveOptions)

Digitally signs the document using the specified signing and save options. Then saves the document to the file with the specified name.

public void SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions signingOptions, string signedFileName, PdfSaveOptions saveOptions)


signingOptions PdfSigningOptions

The options for the document signing.

signedFileName string

The name of the file to save the signed document to.

saveOptions PdfSaveOptions

The save options to use.


The Sign PDF documents in C# and VB.NET article shows how to sign PDF documents using digital signatures.

SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions, Stream)

Digitally signs the document using the specified signing options. Then saves the document to the specified stream.

public void SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions signingOptions, Stream signedContentStream)


signingOptions PdfSigningOptions

The options for the document signing.

signedContentStream Stream

The stream to save the signed document to.


This method uses the default save options. Use SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions, Stream, PdfSaveOptions) overload to specify custom save options.

The Sign PDF documents in C# and VB.NET article shows how to sign PDF documents using digital signatures.

SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions, Stream, PdfSaveOptions)

Digitally signs the document using the specified signing and save options. Then saves the document to the specified stream.

public void SignAndSave(PdfSigningOptions signingOptions, Stream signedContentStream, PdfSaveOptions saveOptions)


signingOptions PdfSigningOptions

The options for the document signing.

signedContentStream Stream

The stream to save the signed document to.

saveOptions PdfSaveOptions

The save options to use.


The Sign PDF documents in C# and VB.NET article shows how to sign PDF documents using digital signatures.