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Class PdfPublicKeyEncryptionHandler


Public-Key Security encryption handler. Use it to protect documents with certificate(-s).

public sealed class PdfPublicKeyEncryptionHandler : PdfEncryptionHandler
Inherited Members


The Encrypt PDF documents in C# and VB.NET article describes how to encrypt PDF documents.

Check out the other articles and code samples on the Passwords page.


PdfPublicKeyEncryptionHandler(Stream, string)

Creates a new instance of Public-Key Security encryption handler with owner permissions using the specified stream with key store contents.

PdfPublicKeyEncryptionHandler(Stream, string, PdfPermissions)

Creates a new instance of Public-Key Security encryption handler with the specified permissions using the specified stream with key store contents.


Creates a new instance of Public-Key Security encryption handler using the specified owner certificate.

PdfPublicKeyEncryptionHandler(X509Certificate2, PdfPermissions)

Creates a new instance of Public-Key Security encryption handler using the specified certificate and permissions.

PdfPublicKeyEncryptionHandler(string, string)

Creates a new instance of Public-Key Security encryption handler with owner permissions using the specified key store file.

PdfPublicKeyEncryptionHandler(string, string, PdfPermissions)

Creates a new instance of Public-Key Security encryption handler with the specified permissions using the specified key store file.



Gets or sets the value indicating whether this PdfPublicKeyEncryptionHandler should encrypt document metadata.


AddOwner(Stream, string)

Adds a new recipient with owner permissions using the specified stream with key store contents.


Adds a new recipient with owner permissions using the specified owner certificate.

AddOwner(string, string)

Adds a new recipient with owner permissions using the specified key store file.

AddRecipient(Stream, string, PdfPermissions)

Adds a new recipient with the specified permissions using the specified stream with key store contents.

AddRecipient(X509Certificate2, PdfPermissions)

Adds a new recipient with the specified permissions using the specified certificate.

AddRecipient(string, string, PdfPermissions)

Adds a new recipient with the specified permissions using the specified key store file.


Returns a string that represents this PdfPublicKeyEncryptionHandler instance.