Table of Contents

Class PdfPage


Class for a PdfDocument page.

public sealed class PdfPage
Inherited Members


The Render and print PDF documents in C# and VB.NET article describes how to print PDF in Windows Forms or WPF application. It also shows how to convert pages to images with or without classes from System.Drawing namespace.

The Extract text from PDF in C# and VB.NET article shows how to extract plain or formatted text from pages.

The Docotic.Pdf Library Documentation page contains links to articles, guides, and sample code.



Gets or sets the art box of the page.


Gets or sets the bleed box of the page.


Gets the page canvas.


Gets the number of controls associated with this page.


Gets the collection of controls associated with this page.


Gets or sets the crop box of the page.


Gets the low-level dictionary object for this page object.


Gets or sets the transparency group parameters of this page.


Gets or sets the height of the page, expressed in PDF's default user space units.


Gets or sets the media box of the page.


Gets or sets the PdfPaperOrientation value specifying the orientation of the page.


Gets the resolution of the canvas.


Gets or sets the PdfRotation value specifying the rotation of the page.


Gets or sets the PdfPaperSize value specifying the size of the page.


Gets or sets the thumbnail image to be used for this page by a viewer application instead of auto-generated image of the contents of this page in miniature form.


Gets or sets the trim box of the page.


Gets or sets the size of default user space units.


Gets the number of widgets (annotations and controls) associated with this page.


Gets the collection of widgets (annotations and controls) associated with this page.


Gets or sets the width of the page, expressed in PDF's default user space units.


Gets the number of form XObjects associated with this page.


Gets the collection of form XObjects associated with this page.


Add3dAnnotation(PdfRectangle, Pdf3dStream)

Adds the new 3D annotation based on 3D data from Pdf3dStream.

Add3dAnnotation(PdfRectangle, Stream)

Adds the new 3D annotation based on 3D data from Stream.

Add3dAnnotation(PdfRectangle, string)

Adds the new 3D annotation based on 3D data from the file.

AddActionArea(PdfPoint, PdfSize, PdfAction?)

Adds the new action area to the PdfPage.

AddActionArea(PdfRectangle, PdfAction?)

Adds the new action area to the PdfPage.

AddActionArea(double, double, double, double, PdfAction?)

Adds the new action area to the PdfPage.

AddButton(PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds the new button control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.


Adds the new button control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddButton(double, double, double, double)

Adds the new button control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddButton(string, PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds the new button control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddButton(string?, PdfRectangle)

Adds the new button control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddButton(string?, double, double, double, double)

Adds the new button control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(PdfPoint, PdfSize, string)

Adds the new check box control with auto-generated name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(PdfPoint, double)

Adds the new check box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.


Adds the new check box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(PdfRectangle, string)

Adds the new check box control with auto-generated name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(double, double, double)

Adds the new check box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(double, double, double, double, string)

Adds the new check box control with auto-generated name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(string, PdfPoint, PdfSize, string)

Adds the new check box control with specified unique name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(string, PdfPoint, double)

Adds the new check box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(string?, PdfRectangle)

Adds the new check box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(string?, PdfRectangle, string)

Adds the new check box control with specified unique name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(string?, double, double, double)

Adds the new check box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddCheckBox(string?, double, double, double, double, string)

Adds the new check box control with specified unique name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddComboBox(PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds the new combo box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.


Adds the new combo box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddComboBox(double, double, double, double)

Adds the new combo box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddComboBox(string, PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds the new combo box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddComboBox(string?, PdfRectangle)

Adds the new combo box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddComboBox(string?, double, double, double, double)

Adds the new combo box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddFileAnnotation(PdfRectangle, PdfFileSpecification)

Adds the new file attachment annotation to the PdfPage.

AddHighlightAnnotation(string, PdfRectangle, PdfColor?)

Adds the new highlight annotation to the PdfPage.

AddHyperlink(PdfPoint, PdfSize, Uri)

Adds the new hyperlink area to the PdfPage.

AddHyperlink(PdfRectangle, Uri)

Adds the new hyperlink area to the PdfPage.

AddHyperlink(double, double, double, double, Uri)

Adds the new hyperlink area to the PdfPage.

AddInkAnnotation(PdfRectangle, PdfColor?)

Adds the new ink annotation to the PdfPage.

AddJaggedUnderlineAnnotation(string, PdfRectangle, PdfColor?)

Adds the new jagged-underline annotation to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint, PdfSize, PdfPage)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint, PdfSize, PdfPage, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint, PdfSize, int)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(PdfPoint, PdfSize, int, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle, PdfPage)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle, PdfPage, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle, int)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(PdfRectangle, int, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(double, double, double, double, PdfPage)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(double, double, double, double, PdfPage, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(double, double, double, double, int)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddLinkToPage(double, double, double, double, int, double)

Adds the new link area to the PdfPage.

AddListBox(PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds the new list box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.


Adds the new list box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddListBox(double, double, double, double)

Adds the new list box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddListBox(string?, PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds the new list box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddListBox(string?, PdfRectangle)

Adds the new list box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddListBox(string?, double, double, double, double)

Adds the new list box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(PdfPoint, PdfSize, string)

Adds the new radio button control with auto-generated radio button group name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(PdfPoint, double)

Adds the new radio button control with auto-generated radio button group name to the PdfPage.


Adds the new radio button control with auto-generated radio button group name to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(PdfRectangle, string)

Adds the new radio button control with auto-generated radio button group name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(double, double, double)

Adds the new radio button control with auto-generated radio button group name to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(double, double, double, double, string)

Adds the new radio button control with auto-generated radio button group name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(string, PdfPoint, PdfSize, string)

Adds the new radio button control with specified unique radio button group name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(string, PdfPoint, double)

Adds the new radio button control with specified unique radio button group name to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(string?, PdfRectangle)

Adds the new radio button control with specified unique radio button group name to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(string?, PdfRectangle, string)

Adds the new radio button control with specified unique radio button group name and caption to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(string?, double, double, double)

Adds the new radio button control with specified unique radio button group name to the PdfPage.

AddRadioButton(string?, double, double, double, double, string)

Adds the new radio button control with specified unique radio button group name and caption to the PdfPage.


Adds the new redaction annotation.

AddRichMediaAnnotation(PdfRectangle, PdfFileSpecification, PdfRichMediaContentType)

Adds the new rich media annotation to the PdfPage.

AddSignatureField(PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds a new unsigned signature field control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.


Adds a new unsigned signature field control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddSignatureField(double, double, double, double)

Adds a new unsigned signature field control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddSignatureField(string, PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds a new unsigned signature field control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddSignatureField(string?, PdfRectangle)

Adds a new unsigned signature field control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddSignatureField(string?, double, double, double, double)

Adds a new unsigned signature field control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddStrikeoutAnnotation(string, PdfRectangle, PdfColor?)

Adds the new strikeout annotation to the PdfPage.

AddTextAnnotation(PdfPoint, string)

Adds the new text annotation to the PdfPage.

AddTextAnnotation(PdfPoint, string, string)

Adds the new text annotation to the PdfPage.

AddTextAnnotation(double, double, string, string)

Adds the new text annotation to the PdfPage.

AddTextBox(PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds the new text box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.


Adds the new text box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddTextBox(double, double, double, double)

Adds the new text box control with auto-generated name to the PdfPage.

AddTextBox(string, PdfPoint, PdfSize)

Adds the new text box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddTextBox(string?, PdfRectangle)

Adds the new text box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddTextBox(string?, double, double, double, double)

Adds the new text box control with specified unique name to the PdfPage.

AddUnderlineAnnotation(string, PdfRectangle, PdfColor?)

Adds the new underline annotation to the PdfPage.


Retrieves collection of all characters drawn on the page with their bounding rectangles.


Gets the control with the specified index from the collection of controls associated with this page.


Returns the enumerator that iterates through the collection of page images including inline images.


Returns the enumerator that iterates through the collection of page images including or excluding the inline images.


Retrieves collection of all objects drawn on the page.


Retrieves collection of all objects drawn on the page.


Gets the collection of PdfPaintedImage objects for all images painted on the page.


Gets the sorted collection controls associated with this page.


Gets the sorted collection of widgets (annotations and controls) associated with this page.


Retrieves all text drawn on the page in plain text format.


Retrieves all text drawn on the page according to specified options.


Retrieves all text drawn on the page formatted as seen in a PDF viewer.


Gets the widget with the specified index from the collection of controls associated with this page.


Retrieves collection of all words drawn on the page with their bounding rectangles.


Gets the XObject with the specified index.


Determines if this page uses overprinting for any of its painting operations.


Tries to merge content streams of this page to a single stream.


Removes some or all images drawn on the page depending on a provided predicate.


Removes some or all vector paths drawn on the page depending on a provided predicate.

Save(Stream, PdfDrawOptions)

Saves an image of the page to the specified stream.

Save(string, PdfDrawOptions)

Saves an image of the page to the file with specified name.